Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The first step...

Well...over the past six years I have slowly but surely added a few pounds...and it is not muscle weight. As one who used to rigourusly work out in the gym and took pride in my physical appearance I slowly but surely started picking up bad habits. I continue to do cardio vascular excercise about five times a week, but I have eliminated weight ligting from my regimine. To make matters worse I love to eat...and I love to have a drink or two at night...wheter it is beer, wine or my favorite...a cold martini.

It is time to change my poor habits and get back in fighting shape. I am six feet tall and as of yesterday (6/18/2007) I weigh 200 lbs. My goal is to remain six feet tall :) and to drop twenty five pounds in a healthy manner. I plan to eat four to five meals a day for the first week...the four to five meals will consist of only fruits and/or vegetables. After the first week I will incorporate lean meats back into my diet. I am not going to drink any alcohol in order to attain my goal.